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Instrumental music resources

43,000+ results

Music Theory Worksheets - Over 200 No Prep Pages for Music Class & Piano Lessons

Are you looking for an easy way to work on music theory concepts with your students? This comprehensive set of over 200 music theory worksheets is the perfect way to review concepts from rhythms, to music math, notes on the staff, piano keys, music symbols, music terms and vocabulary, time signatures, scales, chords, and much more! These no-prep print-and-go music pages are great for musicians of any age and include music theory for beginners through intermediate students. Grab a copy today and

Music Sub Tub Stuffers: K-2 Substitute Plan - Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin

Most teachers would agree taking a sick or person day is harder than actually being at work. Writing sub plans and preparing sub tubs and sub binders are so hard, especially in music and other specials! This will be a great activity for your music substitute plans!This is a great sub plan for the non-musical sub! No musical skills required!This is a great print and go plan for K-2. Students will read a book about an orchestra that grows from a solo to a dectet. Students will read a book, lea

Music Worksheets - Treble Clef Note Names

Created by
Lindsay Jervis
Treble Note Names Worksheets: This set of 10 worksheets is designed to help your students practice identifying and notating the pitches on the treble staff. It includes: - "I 'Mustache' you, Can you name these Lines and Spaces?" worksheets. This comes in two different versions, one has pitches filled in and the other has pitches with a transparent center so they can actually see the line going through it. Students write the correct note name in a box below the staff. - "Lost in Space" workshe

Music Tracing Worksheets

Music tracing sheets are a great way to introduce your students to music notes, rests and clefs. Designed for your youngest musical learners, these printable music tracing worksheets are a time saver and help students practice drawing notes, rests and clefs. First students trace the music symbols and then have opportunities to practice drawing their own. These print and go worksheets are great for music workstations, individual work or assessment. Leave copies in your sub tub for emergency plan

Music Listening Worksheet Bundle

Created by
Cori Bloom
This is a collection of over 30 worksheest for guided music listening for grades K-12. They are generic worksheets with writing prompts to prompt students as they listen to whatever piece of music you choose. Each set of worksheets range in difficulty, and are perfect for differentiation! Save $4.00 when you buy this bundled set. This set is a bundle of the following products, please read the full description and see more preview images here: Music Listening Worksheets, Level One Music Listen

Recorder Fingering Charts- Three Different Printout Options!

Follow me on Facebook for the latest news, freebies, and more! >>>> Music With Sara Bibee--------------------------------------------------------------------Click here for FREEBIES!Click here for all Classroom DecorClick here for No Prep/Print and Go ResourcesClick here for Composer of the MonthClick here to be SUB READYClick here for Coloring ActivitiesClick here for Composition ActivitiesClick here for Write the Room ActivitiesClick here for Guided Listening Units------------------

What to Listen for in Music Bulletin Board Set

Created by
Cori Bloom
This bulletin board set is a collection of vocabulary posters for your music room designed to guide students as they listen to and discuss music. The set includes 15 musical term posters with additional vocabulary cards for each term and 2 different decorative ribbon titles, all printable in your choice of color or black & white. Each term poster gives a definition as well as questions to get your students thinking about the music and sample vocabulary cards to get the conversation started

Rhythm Worksheet Bundle

Created by
Cori Bloom
This collection of 63 worksheets is a great review of beginner rhythms! These worksheets vary in difficulty and span a variety of learning styles, and are all printable in black and white. The bundle includes: *20 pages of fill in the blank Meter Practice (2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8) *5 pages of Rhythm Word Match Up (Download this for free here!) *30 pages of cut & paste Rhythm Composing *4 pages of Rhythm Match *6 pages of adding notes and rests in Rhythm Math

Around the World Music Activities Christmas Holidays Culture Research Projects

Created by
Include music and multicultural fun in your classroom! **DIGITAL AND PAPER INCLUDED**Around the World Music with BONUS Christmas and Holiday Music Activities! Featured in the TpT Newsletter!Music Around the World Unit - Common Core Aligned!Great Activities for 3rd-7th Grade and Around the World Units! **Update: Now includes GOOGLE CLASSROOM Version for Distance Learning! Please download the new file. Students will learn over 30 different musical instruments from Japan, France, India, Spain, Bra

Music Escape Room #1 (Teams use music theory clues to solve codes)

This Music Escape Room is a twist on the "Escape Room Mania" that has hit the teen (and adult) world in the last few years. Students work as teams to solve mystery codes based using their knowledge of music theory.Students use:Note values (whole, half, quarter, eighth notes & rests)Musical symbols (such as time signature, natural, measure, accent, staff - see preview for details.)Note names (lines, spaces & ledger lines - shows in both treble clef & bass clef)Within the clues, studen

Rhythm Bingo Game for Elementary Music Eighth Notes Quarter Notes Quarter Rest

Created by
Linda McPherson
A fun music bingo game to reinforce 2 eighth notes beamed, quarter note and quarter rest! Elementary music students love bingo, especially when there are lots of winners! Perfect for whole class instruction, centers or your sub tub! If you prefer a simpler version of this bingo game check out Eighth Notes Rhythm Bingo Game (quarter note/eighth notes/quarter rest) 3x3 grid.The resource is included in two bundlesRhythm Bingo Games Mega BundleRhythm Bingo Games for Music Mini Bundle 5x5 gridsClick

Treble Clef Music Bingo Game

Created by
Linda McPherson
Looking for a treble clef bingo game for your elementary music lesson that will reinforce reading treble clef note names directly on the staff? This note name game is an excellent addition to your music lesson plans, centers or anytime you are working on reading music. Engaging music game for the entire class, music sub tub or music centers! Perfect addition to your Orff lessons and Kodaly lessons while addressing identifying note names!The resource is included in two bundles:Note Names Music Bi

50 Music Word Search Puzzles | Music Sub Plan Activity

Created by
Beat Boppers
Wordsearch | Music Themed Word Search Puzzles - great for Music sub plan activities or early finisher centers.Fifty fun puzzle pages with solutions included.Have fun with these word search puzzles that will reinforce learning and music vocabulary. Word lists include:- Music Terminology- Elements of Music- Note names- Dynamics- Tempo- Terms and vocabulary- Rhythm- Instruments including brass, woodwind, percussion, strings, world, keyboards, guitar, piano, drums, folk, classroom instruments.- Voi

Peter and the Wolf Listening Journal & Fact Sheets

Created by
Cori Bloom
These fun printables are perfect for your guided listening unit, Peter and the Wolf! This product includes:- 14 fact sheets, printable in black and white with fun animations for your students to color and design- 2 listening log pages - Listening journal The listening journal is already assembled in an easy print, half page booklet. It includes a brief description of the piece, a composer bio, a short description and a journaling page for each character and instrument family. PLEASE DOWNLOAD TH

Ukulele Centers and Chord Flash Cards - Music Center Starter

This set of center task cards and chord chart cards is perfect for ukulele exploration centers and for chord flash cards. Students love playing the ukulele and want the chance to explore the instrument and learn more chords. For this center/activity just print off the flash cards that you want to use, laminate, and cut apart. Then use the ukulele task cards to guide exploration and center activity!This product includes:*16 task cards for ukulele exploration centers*48 pages of chord cards for

Kindergarten Music Centers/ Stations - Bundled Set

Created by
Aileen Miracle
If you are ready to drastically increase student engagement, practice musical concepts, and improve your overall classroom management, then you need to implement Music Centers/ Centres into your music classroom! This set has everything you need to do centers to practice steady beat in your Kindergarten classroom (or to review in first grade). These music centers/ stations are easy and flexible to implement! You can choose to do however many centers you want with very little prep. Save time (and

The Embouchure Project for Beginning Band

Newly updated summer 2022, this embouchure bundle for full band was designed to help you be a better beginning band director so your students can be better musicians. We all know that good teachers are experts at saying the same thing a million different ways and that a picture is worth more than 1,000 words. That was the inspiration for this project! ⭐GREAT for in-person and distance learning!⭐Through our many years of teaching we have collected sayings, phrases, tips, tricks, recommendation

Halloween Spooky Music Presentation with Haunting History and Video Links

Follow me on Facebook for the latest news, freebies, and more! >>>>> Music With Sara Bibee---------------------------------------------------------------Click Here for Other Halloween ResourcesClick Here for More Guided Listening UnitsClick here for FREEBIES!Click here for all Classroom DecorClick here for No Prep/Print and Go ResourcesClick here for Composer of the MonthClick here to be SUB READYClick here for Coloring ActivitiesClick here for Composition ActivitiesClick here for

Music Scattergories! A fun game for older elementary and middle school music

Created by
McCurdy Music
Included in this powerpoint: 8 Scattergories "Lists" - each list is made up of 8 items (I found more than that is overwhelming for my students). Most categories are music based with a few "just for fun" categories thrown in 4 printable student answer sheets - to save paper, you can always slide one of these into a sheet protector and use expo markers! To play, either break up into small groups and have students play against each other or play on teams!

Treble Clef Kaboom // Centers Game for Elementary Music

I always love to hear about other people's best lessons and games. Mine? Kaboom. This is the game that students BEG me to play. We play Kaboom for every concept, including treble clef. This is such a fun game to practice treble clef notes in centers, for early finishers, teaching on a cart, and even during quiet music lessons. You could even leave it for a substitute as a sub plan for a non music sub.How to play Kaboom!Students take turns pulling out a card from a bucket or pileStudent reads the

Music Sub Tub Stuffers: K-2 Substitute Plan - The Remarkable Farkle McBride

Most teachers would agree taking a sick or person day is harder than actually being at work. Writing sub plans and preparing sub tubs and sub binders are so hard, especially in music and other specials!This is a great sub plan for the non-musical sub! No musical skills required!This is a great print and go plan for K-2. Students will read a book about a little boy who performs on instruments and then destroys them till he realizes he wants be a conductor. Students will listen to a recording o

Elements of Music - Anchor Charts - {Color Version}

Follow me on Facebook for the latest news, freebies, and more! >>>> Music With Sara Bibee--------------------------------------------------------------------Try the Black and White (with handouts) Version or the $$$ Saving Bundle!Elements of Music - Anchor Charts - {B/W and Handouts Version}Elements of Music - Anchor Charts - {Color and B/W BUNDLED SET}Click here for FREEBIES!Click here for all Classroom DecorClick here for No Prep/Print and Go ResourcesClick here for Composer of the

Rhythm Music Theory Worksheets for Note Values, Rests and Time Signatures

This collection of Rhythm Music Theory worksheets have been designed with the busy music teacher in mind. These 30 rhythm music worksheets include a great variety of music theory exercises that can be used for class work, independent work, music centers, assignments, homework or even for substitute lessons!Click here to stay up to date with new product releases Included in these Rhythm Music Theory Worksheets are: Note Name information sheets – TWO versions with UK and USA note namesDotted Note

The Carnival of the Animals- Camille Saint-Saëns: A Guided Listening Unit

Follow me on Facebook for the latest news, freebies, and more! >>>> Music With Sara Bibee--------------------------------------------------------------------Click here for FREEBIES!Click here for all Classroom DecorClick here for No Prep/Print and Go ResourcesClick here for Composer of the MonthClick here to be SUB READYClick here for Coloring ActivitiesClick here for Composition ActivitiesClick here for Write the Room ActivitiesClick here for Guided Listening Units------------------
Showing 1-24 of 43,000+ results