
New Year's Reading Comprehension Paired Passages Close Reading Activities

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4.7 (172 ratings)
The Tulip Teacher
Grade Levels
3rd - 5th
Formats Included
  • PDF
28 pages
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The Tulip Teacher
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  1. Looking for a set of print and go holiday reading comprehension passages with text dependent activities? This product is a set of 15 paired passages for a total of 30 passages that can be used for close reading lessons and assessment. Each set includes a week's worth of activities. Every paired pas
    Price $38.40Original Price $48.00Save $9.60


Looking for print and go New Year’s reading comprehension passages? This set of paired passages includes a nonfiction text and a fictional passage that both focus on a New Year’s theme. With eight different close reading and text dependent activities, this reading comprehension packet has enough activities for an entire week!

These standards-based activities can be used as independent practice, small group instruction, and even homework!

Your Purchase Will Include:

- 1 Fiction passage

- 1 Nonfiction passage

- 10 Multiple choice comprehension questions

- Full page anchor chart for reading paired passages

- Mini anchor charts for reading paired passages

- Compare and contrast organizer and short answer question

- Main idea cut and sort

- Cause and Effect cut and paste activity

- Summary organizers

- Central message task

- 3 Writing Prompts for Narrative, Persuasive, and Informational writing

- Pacing Guide

- Keys

Take a peek at the preview for a better picture of what is included!

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Total Pages
28 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
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